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Graduates’ business addresses skills gap
South Africa’s young graduates are struggling to find jobs. According to Statistics South Africa, the youth unemployment rate, measuring jobseekers between 15 and 24 years old, fell to a two-year low of 59.6% in the third quarter of 2022. Skills shortages are linked to the high unemployment rate because... Read more
South Africa’s sentencing legislation has not been successful in its objective to reduce the crime rate in the country; instead, the crime rate has increased, which is further driven by high levels of inequality and extreme poverty on the one hand, and greed and corruption on the other hand,... Read more
Improvement for SU in THE WUR rank
Stellenbosch University (SU) improved on three of the five performance indicators used in compiling the 2023 Times Higher Education (THE) World Universities Ranking (WUR) that was announced earlier. SU is ranked in the category 251–300 and shares the second position with Wits in South Africa. Approximately 1 800 universities... Read more
TVET students urged to contact their colleges for certificates
The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has advised Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college students to contact the colleges where they wrote their exams regarding their certificates and diplomas. Higher Education and Training Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, said the certificates for students are released to colleges... Read more
App offers relief from high book prices
For thousands of local university students, financial challenges become hard choices when they need to buy expensive textbooks. Sacrifices, including food, must be made to get the specialised textbooks needed to continue studying. For a student from Molteno in the Stormberg mountains, this widespread problem presented an opportunity that... Read more
ABB lifeline for a young graduate
When a kind stranger took a photograph of Momelezi Sifumba standing at a busy roadside with a cardboard sign stating: ‘Help Me to Find a Job’ and posted it on LinkedIn, little did the unemployed graduate know it would catch the attention of none other than Graham Abrahams, Senior... Read more
Youth see career growth in SA’s chemicals sector
Young South Africans have been urged to consider careers in the chemicals sector by their peers in the sector, who believe the opportunities are vast. As we mark Youth Month, several young people who’ve been assisted by CHIETA, the chemical industries’ Seta, say they believe the chemicals sector can... Read more
Critical skills of professionals can help stop corruption says associations
Professional associations such as the Southern African Institute for Business Accountants (SAIBA), South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering (SAIMechE) and others have the technical skills and expertise necessary to foster good governance, anti-corruption and state development. Government should be leveraging these readily available domestic resources and capabilities, argues Nicolaas... Read more
ICT is the answer to SA’s youth employment
While South Africa’s youth unemployment rate rampantly soars, the country’s digital skills shortage is expanding at its seams. Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills are the rarest ever on record, especially among women, but urgent intervention from the likes of Prudence Mathebula is helping stop things from getting a lot... Read more
CPUT, Snake Nation secure British Council funding
Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Snake Nation and Manchester Metropolitan University Awarded Inaugural British Council IAU (Innovation for African Universities) Project Funding. CPUT (Cape Peninsula University of Technology), along with Snake Nation have teamed up with Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) as partners to roll out a pilot program... Read more
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