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HE public sector: Spending rises significantly over 10 years
Government’s financial support for the higher education and training sector via the NSFAS student loan system has risen by more than 600% for universities and a massive 17 900% for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges in the past ten years. Official spending figures from the Department... Read more
All-woman UCT team wins tech competition
A four-Woman team from the University of Cape Town’s Department of Information Systems has scooped the first prize of an all-expenses-paid trip to Silicon Valley in the USA in a 48-hour programming challenge held in Johannesburg over the weekend. During the GirlCode Hackathon, the honours students in team Ruby... Read more
SA producing more graduates
The number of students graduating from South Africa’s public higher education institutions (HEIs) is increasing, according to the Department of Higher Education and Education. The department, which produces an in-depth statistical report on the post-school training and education sector, says that close to 200,000 students graduated in 2015, representing... Read more
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